Local dance teacher Miriam stars in “Jesus Christ Superstar” | Press Release


Miriam Dance is the Director of Visual and Performing Arts at Riviera Ridge School, where she spends her days inspiring young people to improve their musical theater talents while still finding time to pursue her artistic passions .

A dark-haired figure wearing black pants and a black leather jacket stands tall against a white smoky background, with the audience below raising their hands in worship.  (courtesy photo)
Riviera Ridge teacher Miriam Dance stars in Out of the Box’s performance of “Jesus Christ Superstar.” (courtesy photo)

She’s currently playing the role of a lifetime, playing Jesus Christ in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s rock musical “Jesus Christ Superstar,” which runs April 5-14 at Santa Barbara Central stage theater show.

The out-of-the-box theater company’s version of the musical breaks away from tradition and incorporates modern elements, including an all-female cast. The idea was inspired by Morgan James’ “She is Risen” project, which featured an all-female cast, orchestra and engineers performing “Jesus Christ Superstar.”

Dance, who grew up immersed in church culture, said she often thought about what it would be like to put herself in the shoes of Jesus Christ, but she never imagined herself playing that role on stage.

“When we think of someone who was chosen to sacrifice their life to save the world, what picture comes to mind? Probably not a woman. Probably not a black woman,” Dance said. “However, when we think about what Jesus represents, what he said about love, forgiveness, treating others, how we want to be treated, etc., those are things that I can hold on to and resonate with.”

“We are excited to celebrate our educators and artists-in-residence,” said Riviera Ridge School Principal Chris Broderick. “Miriam’s talent shines in the classroom and on the stage. She is honored to proudly represent our school and the performing arts in such an extraordinary way.

The production is further modernized to depict Jesus and the apostles as activists and protesters in a present-day context, but the classic American rock opera songs will retain the popular 1970s sound of the original production.

“The music is definitely edgy and soulful,” Dance said. “The scenes are very small and the scenes are mostly presented through action.”

No matter how avant-garde the production, Dance believes it’s a story that everyone can relate to, especially a protagonist as iconic as Jesus.

“It was a fascinating experience to see the humanity of such a character,” she said. “Jesus is the Son of the Creator who came to earth and lived a human life. What was that journey like?

“This musical explores this issue and takes it to another level by asking the audience to think about it through the lens of an all-female cast.

“This show is a masterpiece and I’m so excited that my students, colleagues and the entire SB community will be moved and entertained by it.”

For tickets to the show, visit CenterStageTheater.org.

For more information about Riviera Ridge, please email info@rivieraridge.org or call 805-569-1811 extension 11. 131.

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